Organizatorii concertului Batushka au anuntat trupele ce vor deschide concertul din 12 septembrie 2018, ce va avea loc in club Quantic! Acestea sunt W.E.B. si MartYriuM (Malta)!
Biletele sunt disponibile in reteaua iaBilet.ro la pretul de 50 lei.
W.E.B. is a Dark / Black / Death / Goth Metal band based in the ashes of Athens - Greece. The Fall of 2002AD was the time that the idea of W.E.B. was born and started to take a lifeform shape from an embryonic state to a music challenge expressing darkness and death through adrenaline and poetry. An expression both straight but at the same time theatrical. W.E.B. is here to move you, provoke you, and invite you to the journey through ravendark starless nights with a fire made of Metal music.
MartYriuM (malta) is a Extreme metal band from Malta, formed by Count Mortem in 1999 with the spawn of the second wave of black metal. This band is a unique blend of Black and Death Metal with a specific sound design introducing Sinister Orchestrations and Industrial Elements to the style. MartYriuM’s performances are both aggressive and theatrical, full of dark acts and occult imagery that will unleash infernal chaos from within your wretched soul. The live shows are particular in their rituals which can include anything from ripping pages from the Black Book of Baalzebub and spreading his plague of Darkness into the world, to calling Asmodeus while desecrating the stage with blood or graveyard dirt.
MartYriuM is an established band available for bookings throughout Europe, signed with label Art Gates Records and The Flaming Arts Booking and Management. Besides creating music, MartYriuM also contribute to the metal community by hosting festivals and events in Malta under the name VOTSFestival.com
Mai multe despre eveniment gasiti aici: https://www.facebook.com/events/958809250949008/