15 - 18 august 2018 
Între 15 - 18 august 2018 are loc Dark Bombastic Evening 9, în spațiile RYMA, interioare Cetății Alba Iulia.

Detalii bilete
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- Evi Vine
(United Kingdom) - Apocalyptic Dreamscape - www.evivine.com - King Dude
(USA) - Luciferian Folk, Solo Set - www.facebook.com/kingdudemusic - Electric Moon
(Germany) - Acid Rock - www.electricmoon.de - Ellende
(Austria) - Atmospheric Black Metal - www.ellende.at - Heilung
(Denmark) - Amplified History - http://heilung.bandcamp.com - Grift
(Sweden) - Acoustic Solo Show, Loner Folk - www.griftofficial.bandcamp.com - Germ
(Australia) - Experimental Depressive Black Metal - www.facebook.com/germofficial - Bathsheba
(Belgium) - Atmospheric Doom - http://bathshebakills.bandcamp.com - Death in Rome
(Germany) - Neofolk - www.deathinrome.com - Der Weg Einer Freiheit
(Germany) - Post-Black Metal - www.derwegeinerfreiheit.de - Anna von Hausswolff
(Sweden) - Indie Rock, Art Pop - www.annavonhausswolff.org - Neun Welten
(Germany) - Dark Folk - www.neunwelten.com - Five The Hierophant
(United Kingdom) - Black Doom Jazz - http://five-the-hierophant.bandcamp.com - And Also The Trees
(United Kingdom) - Post-Punk - www.andalsothetrees.co.uk - Dark Buddha Rising
(Finland) - Psychedelic Doom Drone - http://darkbuddharising.com - Mork
(Norway) - True Norwegian Black Metal - www.morkisebakke.no

Detalii bilete
- Abonament (presale) pana pe 9 august: 300 lei
- Abonament incepand cu 10 august: 333 lei
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