4 septembrie 2009
MIAU Booking & Events este o agentie mica dar care se ridica!
Anul acesta au onoarea de a face parte din echipa organizatorica a STUFSTOCK 2009. Mai precis, sunt responsabili cu SCENA GOBLIN, o scena alternativa, unde veti putea asculta altceva decat ce ascultati in general in Romania. De la funk la post-rock, de la psihedelic la stoner si de la electro la hardcore, pe Scena Goblin veti gasi nu "trupe tinere" sau "trupe mici", ci noul suflu al muzicii romanesti de calitate!
Va asteptam in 4 si 5 septembrie la Vama Veche.
Seara 1 (4 septembrie)
19.00 19.40
BLOOD PRINT (http://www.myspace.com/bloodprintband) (hard rock, Cluj)
19.55 20.35
EVO (www.myspace.com/evoromania) (alternative rock, Bucuresti)
20.50 21.30
HIGHLIGHT KENOSIS (www.myspace.com/highlightrockband) (prog rock, Bucuresti)
21.45 22.30
ALTERNATIV QUARTET (http://www.myspace.com/alternativquartet) (psihedelic rock, Cluj/Bistrita)
22.45 23.30
TEP ZEPI (www.myspace.com/tepzepiband) (stoner rock/ grunge, Bucuresti)
23.45 00.30
GODMODE (www.myspace.com/godmode1) (alternative, Cluj)
Seara 2 (5 septembrie)
19.00 19.40
PROPAGANDA (http://www.myspace.com/propagandappg) (alternative, Alba Iulia)
19.55 20.35
HUSH (http://www.myspace.com/hushmyspace) (alternative, Bucuresti)
20.50 21.30
NUAGE (www.myspace.com/nuagediscofunk) (disco/funk/fusion, Bucuresti)
21.45 22.30
RELATIVE (http://www.myspace.com/relativebandit) (alternative rock + funk, Cluj)
22.45 23.30
THE MUSHROOM STORY (www.myspace.com/themushroomstory) (funkore, Cluj)
23.45 00.30
L ORCHESTRE ROCHE (www.myspace.com/lorchestreroche) (electro, Bucuresti
MIAU Booking & Events
Anul acesta au onoarea de a face parte din echipa organizatorica a STUFSTOCK 2009. Mai precis, sunt responsabili cu SCENA GOBLIN, o scena alternativa, unde veti putea asculta altceva decat ce ascultati in general in Romania. De la funk la post-rock, de la psihedelic la stoner si de la electro la hardcore, pe Scena Goblin veti gasi nu "trupe tinere" sau "trupe mici", ci noul suflu al muzicii romanesti de calitate!
Va asteptam in 4 si 5 septembrie la Vama Veche.
Seara 1 (4 septembrie)
19.00 19.40
BLOOD PRINT (http://www.myspace.com/bloodprintband) (hard rock, Cluj)
19.55 20.35
EVO (www.myspace.com/evoromania) (alternative rock, Bucuresti)
20.50 21.30
HIGHLIGHT KENOSIS (www.myspace.com/highlightrockband) (prog rock, Bucuresti)
21.45 22.30
ALTERNATIV QUARTET (http://www.myspace.com/alternativquartet) (psihedelic rock, Cluj/Bistrita)
22.45 23.30
TEP ZEPI (www.myspace.com/tepzepiband) (stoner rock/ grunge, Bucuresti)
23.45 00.30
GODMODE (www.myspace.com/godmode1) (alternative, Cluj)
Seara 2 (5 septembrie)
19.00 19.40
PROPAGANDA (http://www.myspace.com/propagandappg) (alternative, Alba Iulia)
19.55 20.35
HUSH (http://www.myspace.com/hushmyspace) (alternative, Bucuresti)
20.50 21.30
NUAGE (www.myspace.com/nuagediscofunk) (disco/funk/fusion, Bucuresti)
21.45 22.30
RELATIVE (http://www.myspace.com/relativebandit) (alternative rock + funk, Cluj)
22.45 23.30
THE MUSHROOM STORY (www.myspace.com/themushroomstory) (funkore, Cluj)
23.45 00.30
L ORCHESTRE ROCHE (www.myspace.com/lorchestreroche) (electro, Bucuresti
MIAU Booking & Events