15 martie 2025 
Cea de-a doua editie a festivalului Underground for the Masses va avea loc in clubul Quantic din Bucuresti, in perioada 4-5 aprilie 2025.
Biletele pe zile si abonamentele se pot cumpara online, la urmatoarele preturi:

Program Underground for the Masses
Vineri, 4 Aprilie
- 18:30 - 19:15 - THEOTOXIN (Black Metal - Austria)
- 19:35 - 20:20 - TSATTHOGGUA (Black Metal - Germania)
- 20:40 - 21:25 - DYMNA LOTVA (Doom | Post Metal - Polonia)
- 21:45 - 22:30 - KOLDBRANN (Black Metal - Norvegia)
- 22:50 - 23:50 - ARCHGOAT (Death | Black Metal - Finlanda)
- 00:10 - 00:55 - BLACK ALTAR (Black Metal - Marea Britanie)
- 01:15 - 02:00 - DEITUS (Black Metal - Marea Britanie)
Sâmbătă, 5 Aprilie
- 17:30 - 18:15 - SOTHERION (Black Metal - Franța)
- 18:35 - 19:20 - BLACK MASS PERVERTOR (Punk | Black Metal - Finlanda)
- 19:40 - 20:25 - AORLHAC (Black Metal - Franța)
- 20:45 - 21:30 - BAXAXAXA (Black Metal - Germania)
- 21:50 - 22:35 - ENDSTILLE (Black Metal - Germania)
- 23:00 - 00:00 - DARKENED NOCTURN SLAUGHTERCULT (Black Metal - Germania)
- 00:20 - 01:20 - MISÞYRMING (Black Metal - Islanda)
- 01:40 - 02:40 - SETH (Black Metal - Franța)
Bilete pe zile si abonamente

- Acces General - Presale III - Full Pass - 450 lei
- General access - Day One - 300 lei
Archgoat, Koldbrann,Tsatthoggua, Theotoxin, Dymna Lotva, Black Altar, Deitus
300 lei - General access - Day Two - 300 lei
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult, Misþyrming, Seth, Endstille, Aorlhac, Baxaxaxa, Black Mass Pervertor, Sotherion