ALBUM: Varus
LABEL: Heretic Visions Productions
points 9.50 out of 10.00
Linchre - drums
Iluaar - guitars
Kalmesh - guitars
Sertorius - voice, bass
1. Prologue
2. Publius Qunctilius Varus
3. Arminius
4. Segestes' Charge
5. 3 Legions March
6. The Battle Of The Teutoburg Forest
7. 9 A.D., Autumn
8. Quinctili Vare, Legiones Redde
Young Bavarian band of epic viking black metal, their debut album. Without the slightest restraint - a blast! It rarely happens for a a band at the first album to produce such a fantastic impression! Study material being Varus's roman legions legend and their defeat by Arminius in the Teutoburg Forest battle around 2000 years ago, the album has all the spices of a delicious pagan metal material: strength, melody but also aggression, diversity, great fluency balance, long but well structured tracks that will not be boring for the listers, also surprising rhythm breaks. Discrete insertions of doom death metal occasionally give a special dimension to this material, highlighting the Germans affinity for times long gone ago.
Speaking in the terms of genre, Imperious is at the border of Enslaved, Ensiferum, Moonsorrow and Tyr, only to somehow define their musical direction, band not being directly influenced by these names. Certainly Imperious doesn't bring a revolution in music, but what it did on the first album can produce a strong impression, if we take into consideraton that the 4 Germans succeded on their strength, not being engaged in other musical projects in past. Onset is quite promising, with self-confidence Imperious could go very far.
Froma commercial perspective CD is available in DVD A5 case with a generous in information booklet and a picture disc vinyl printed on disk, a spice taste for collectors!
Titus Constantinescu