BAND: Shesdead
ALBUM: Sex, Drugs & Rock'n'Roll
LABEL: Metalfan Records Division
9.00 out of 10.00
Zero - drums
Radu - guitars
Shole - vocals
Benson - bass
Tudor - guitars
John - keys
01. Live Fast Die Young
02. Diamonds and Pearls
03. The Last Words
Fresh emerging in the landscape, the band Shesdead from Bucharest released their first miniCD. Created from memebers of other bands (Kratos, Crize, InsideOut) and supported by the guitarist and keyboardist of Tiarra, Shesdead presents a home EP "heating", both literally and figuratively. "Sex, Drugs & Rock'n'Roll" is an energic material, balanced in a stylish area of metalcore's chosen song (to the extent that it can give it a paradoxical join, although having the band members from various bands genres). This EP is a preface to the first album, "Seven", which will probably be released someday this year. A very pleasant surprise from a relatively original bands on the local market. Needless to search for stylistic similarities, the three pieces and can be heard on their MySpace page, where you can find the first video as well. 15 minutes of music on this CD, but 15 minutes of wise sounds.
Titus Constantinescu